Sunday, March 14, 2010

Beijing Tour

Traveling to other country is a dream of many people. Planning is most important part and starts from applying passport, visa visit pass till the day to board the flight. There are many tour packages that offer reasonable price and as one of the example, one can refer the local tourism company at the country of their visits( Be extra careful when exchanging the RM to other currency. As from our experience, exchange the currency from Malaysia is much better compared to outside from Malaysia. Usually you will get higher value for money. As for the most major credit cards, it is accepted worlwide. The preparation of suitable clothing is a must especially if the country of visit have four seasons(Autumn, Winter, Spring, Summer). There are plenty of websites broadcasting the local ground weather condition for most major cities in the world for example Plan the journey and look for details information about the country of  visit to prevent annoying things. To all my fellow Malaysian, "Its nice to travel and learn something from another country, there is no place like home."

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