Saturday, January 17, 2009

Light Trails

Capturing light trails is always being part of the excitement in photography. If one were to decide for a photo session of this kind, i recommend to choose the busiest road in town. The purpose of this shoot is to capture lights from moving vehicle and as long as it goes and along the way it leaves the mark as lines created. I choose the lowest ISO and with manual mode on DSLR set to capture at exposure time more than 15 seconds. To add some point of interest , the rule of third may applies to non-moving subject. Its really a great experience to tryout. 


The Explorer said...

Any external flash or simply 'play' with ISO?

The Author said...

We use lowest available ISO and set the DSLR to work on Aperture Priority. Snap to check composition and wait for long que of cars.Go on try it.