Friday, January 16, 2009

Twilight Zone

Capturing scene ini low light condition is something worth the experience for every photographer. Me and my friends gather for the photo shoot "twilight". Some of us forgot to bring along tripod. Here's the tool we need for low light shooting. Be prepared for the session and check the backpack for items like types of lense (wide or medium) depends on the final image desired. I was lucky to have a steady tripod in handy for the shoot. What we did is to be at the scene ten minutes earlier before sunset. Its a good practice and makes us prepared. During the shooting, sunset is around 6.15 pm at Labuan and for most of the twilight photography, 20 to 25 minutes after sunset will produce the considered twilight. As the founder of Digital Photography School quoted "Dont shoot the sunset instead take the pictures long after the sun has set"( source : Darren Rowse, The Twilight Photography Tips). This photo was taken by using ISO 100 , f11 with exposure time range from 15 to 25 seconds. With some raw editing i get this picture. There are things to consider for future shoot. Distractor like trees and moving object should be out of the composition as they get blurred for sure. That is what i learned from Sifoo Syed Nasir. Nevertheless i enjoyed the day. 

1 comment:

The Explorer said...

did you use external flash or cable release? ISO100? Wow!